Friday, January 12, 2007

REVIEW-----Rotting Christ:Theogenia

So my friend Jesse sent me the new album by Rotting Christ and in my expert opinion I give this album 2 thumbs up.^_^

What really set the tone for this album, for me at least, was the precision of the instruments mixed with the subtle rawness Now I will not lie, this is the first album Ive heard from them but in my defense its an album worth acknowledging. Hailing from Greece this is their 10th studio album and an album the singer,Sakis, mixed himself. They showcase their ethnic heretige in the album with a background choir singing in the Greek language. With this album, RC presented a clearcut Black metal album with all the elements you would look for. Atmosphere, musicianship, precision, brutality, and good production; its all here and here to stay. If you need an album to kick off the new year in style; get Rotting Christ-Theogenia.

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